Chronic Disease Reviews

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) / Chronic Heart Disease (CHD) Review

Please see the links below before completing the AF review above.

Calculate alcohol units

Exercise guide

Sick day rules leaflet

Once you have completed the form please make an appointment with our phlebotomist for blood tests, and a blood pressure check if you do not have your own monitor.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Please see the links below before completing the CKD review above.

Calculate alcohol units

Exercise guide

Sick day rules leaflet

Once you have completed the form please make an appointment with our phlebotomist for blood tests and a blood pressure check if you do not have your own monitor, please also bring a urine sample to this appointment.

COPD Review

If you are invited for a COPD review, please contact the practice and arrange a face to face appointment with one of our Practice Nurses.

Diabetic Review

We are changing the way we organise diabetes appointments and provide support for people by putting in place a new way of working called care and support planning.

What is care and support planning? This way of working aims to give you the opportunity to get more out of your annual review appointments by reorganising the way things happen and giving you more information before you see your nurse or doctor. It should help you to talk about:
  • What is important to you
  • What you can do to look after your health and stay well
  • What support you may need
Who is it for? Anyone with diabetes.
Why change things? This way of working is being put into place across a number of surgeries in the area and is nearly always preferred by patients. It will help both you and the doctor or nurse make the best use of the time you have in your care and support planning appointment. Any important tests and results needed at your appointment will be made available to you before the appointment as well as an opportunity to think through what questions you want to ask and identify your key concerns which you want to talk about.
What does this mean for me? This means that your care and support planning review will take place over two separate appointments and you will have time to think about what you want to get out of these visits.
What happens at the first appointment? If tests and checks are needed you will be asked to attend the surgery to have them done (e.g. blood tests, height, weight) with a healthcare assistant.
What happens next? If you have had tests and checks done at a first appointment the results will be sent to you either by email or post with an explanation of what they mean. There will also be a space on the letters for you to make notes. This will give you a chance to think about what you would like to talk about at your care and support planning appointment. It`s helpful if you bring this letter with you.
What happens at the care and support planning appointment? At your care and support planning appointment you will be able to ask questions and talk about what’s important to you and your Practice Nurse will raise any issues they are concerned about. Once you both agree on one or two main things to work on, you will get the chance to work out a plan and identify any support you need to help you look after your health.

Calculate alcohol units

Exercise guide

Sick day rules leaflet

Diabetes UK - diet advice, driving advice, hypo advice and much more


Hypertension/Stroke Review

Please see the links below before completing the Stroke review above.

Calculate alcohol units

Exercise guide

Sick day rules leaflet

Once you have completed the form please make an appointment with our phlebotomist for blood tests, and a blood pressure check if you do not have your own monitor.

Thyroid review

Please made an appointment with our phlebotomist for a blood test.